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Practicing Specific Flashcards

Most of the time RemNote shows all due flashcards, but sometimes you may want to pick a specific topic or group of cards to practice.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over a week ago

Most of the time RemNote shows all due flashcards, but sometimes you may want to pick a specific topic or group of cards to practice. There are several ways to accomplish this.

Practicing flashcards in a specific document

You can practice all flashcards in a particular folder, document, or any Rem you’ve zoomed in to using the practice button in the upper-right corner (this button appears once you’ve added at least one flashcard). You can click the main button to practice with spaced repetition, or the drop-down arrow for other options.

  • Practice with Spaced Repetition shows cards that are currently due for review based on your past performance.

  • Practice All Flashcards shows all flashcards in the document regardless of whether they're currently due. Your performance on these cards will be taken into account when studying these cards in the future – but if you're practicing a card earlier than you normally would have, RemNote will take this into account when it schedules the card. Practicing all cards in a document ten times in a row won't increase the next time until you see the cards again more than studying them once would.

  • Practice All Flashcards in Order shows all flashcards in the document regardless of whether they're currently due, in the order their associated Rems appear in the document. Read more about practicing in order below.

    Practicing in order is a Pro-only feature.

If you prefer, you can find the same options under the Flashcards menu within the Document Menu (button in the upper-right corner of the document).

You can also use the Practice button next to any document shown in the Flashcard Home:

Practicing in order

There are two additional points to make about in-order practice mode.

First, don't abuse in-order practice! Random order is a more effective study tool in most cases, for two reasons: first, it ensures that you don't end up remembering a card only because of its surrounding context (which you likely won't have in the real world). And second, it doesn't use spaced repetition; it can't, because to be able to freely schedule harder cards more often than easier cards, RemNote needs the ability to reorder the cards.

But there are cases where in-order practice is helpful. For instance if you've just created a document and want to quickly review what's in it for the first time, practicing the document in order makes sense.

Second, when multiple flashcards are generated from the same Rem – say, a forward card and a backward card – first all of the first flashcards are shown in order, then all of the second flashcards are shown in order, and so on. That's because otherwise it would be trivially easy to answer the flashcards after the first. For example, if you had a card asking what the French word for “hello” was, and immediately after answering “bonjour” you had a card asking what the English word for “bonjour” was, you wouldn't be getting much useful practice out of that second card.

Practicing flashcards that have a particular tag

One way to practice a set of flashcards that are not all in the same document is to tag them, or any of their parent Rems, with some tag T. Then zoom into T and study from it using the steps for “Studying flashcards in a specific document”, like it's any other document.

In this example, we study the card A, the card B, and all of B's descendants by tagging A and B.

Note that this method only works for cards tagged with T; the flashcards of Rems which reference T or are linked to it in some other way are not included.

Practicing flashcards from several selected documents

Maybe you want to include cards from multiple documents that don’t share a common ancestor folder or tag, as in the two sections above. In this case, you can create a new document and include the other documents in it, then practice your new document using the instructions in the section immediately above.

The easiest way to include other documents in the flashcard collection for a particular document is by adding them as sources. At the top of your new document, click “Upload”, select the “Link” tab, and search for and add the documents. You can now practice cards in this document and the cards from the added documents will be included.

Practicing flashcards that match some other criteria

If you don't want to tag a bunch of things just to practice them once or twice, and the cards you want don’t divide cleanly across documents, you can also portal any set of Rems at all into a new document and then study that document using the steps for “Studying flashcards in a specific document”.

You'll most often want to use a search portal (note that search portals require the Pro plan), but this works with standard portals, too. For instance, here's how you can study all flashcards that contain the text “text”:

Important note: Inside portals, flashcards belonging to Rems which are collapsed within the portal won't be shown. For instance, any flashcards under Flashcards I don't want to see, below, won't come up.

This makes it easy to study only part of the document. If you have a lot of Rems collapsed within the portal that you do want to see, and need to quickly expand them again, you can expand all descendants of a single Rem by putting your cursor in that Rem and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow (Cmd+Shift+Down on a Mac), or multiple Rems by highlighting all of them and using /expand all descendants.

Practicing flashcards that match a table filter

If you’ve generated flashcards from a table, you can filter the table and then practice the document containing the table, and you’ll see only the flashcards that match the filter.

Practicing flashcards in a portal with an embedded queue

If you already have a portal handy that contains the flashcards you want to practice, you can turn it into an embedded queue and practice it right within the editor. To use this option, select Turn into Embedded Queue from the portal's breadcrumb, then click Switch to View Mode.

Search portals cannot be turned into embedded queues. However, you can convert a search portal into a standard portal by selecting Turn into Portal from its breadcrumb (of course, this will prevent it from updating automatically in the future).

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