Zooming into Rems

You can zoom in to any level in the hierarchy of Rems to focus on exactly the notes you currently need to see.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you only want to focus on a single idea at once. RemNote helps you ignore distractions by letting you "zoom" into any Rem by clicking on its bullet.

In RemNote, the only difference between a Rem and a Document is that Documents show up in the sidebar. You can "zoom in" to normal Rems as well just as you would zoom into a document. Thus, don't worry about breaking down your ideas into documents until you need to take a step back and get things organized. Once you want a Rem to appear in your sidebar as a Document, you can simply mark it as a document. (Read more in the tutorial on Documents and Folders.)

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