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Flashcard Statistics

Statistics in the Flashcard Home and the flashcard metadata screen help you understand how your studies are going.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over 2 months ago

It’s often useful to review how your flashcard practice is going and what it will likely look like soon, both to improve your motivation and to make good high-level decisions about what and how much to study. The Flashcard Home provides a variety of graphs and statistics to help.

In other cases, you may want to check the practice history of a particular flashcard, perhaps to better understand why it was scheduled a particular way or to see how much time you’ve spent on it. The Flashcard Metadata screen allows you to check this.

Flashcard Home statistics

When you open the Flashcard Home, you can see a summary of how the last week’s study has gone. You can read more about these widgets in the Flashcard Home article.

To show all statistics, choose the Statistics tab at the top of the screen.

The History widget shows a heat map of the days you’ve studied recently. A triangle appears on each day where you studied some flashcards, and the fill of each triangle shows approximately how many flashcards you studied that day. You can hover over a day to see more detail.

A streak is a series of consecutive days on which you reached your daily target (completely filled green triangle). Try to keep it going as long as possible!

Note that data is not available from times prior to the introduction of parts of the Flashcard Home, so if you see blank space in early months where you think you were practicing flashcards, that’s probably the cause.

The Cards Over Time widget shows how many new cards you’ve created in recent weeks.

The Upcoming Cards widget predicts roughly how many cards you can be expected to have due for practice on different days in the next month, if you add the maximum number of new cards per day configured in your settings on each day (Settings > Flashcards > New Cards Per Day) and have average performance on all cards.

This is a best-effort forecast, and the true number of cards might be significantly different, especially towards the end of the 30 days – you might not always add that many new cards on each day, and RemNote can’t predict exactly how you will rate each card or how many you’ll forget.

Flashcard Metadata

To dig into how a particular flashcard has been scheduled, open its metadata page. You can do this in the flashcard queue, from the menu in the upper-right. Choose Edit SRS Data, then View Flashcard Metadata:

Or, in the editor, use the /meta slash-command or omnibar action on a Rem whose flashcards you want to inspect:

You'll see a screen that looks something like this. (This screenshot was taken from the flashcard queue. If you start from the editor, you may have to scroll down to get to the metadata for the flashcard you're interested in, since a Rem can have multiple flashcards, and there’s some metadata for the entire Rem at the top.)

At the top are some properties of the flashcard. Here’s what each one means:

  • Scheduler: The custom scheduler effective for this flashcard, or Global Default if none is defined for any of the flashcard’s documents.

  • Ease: A measure of how difficult the flashcard has been for you to remember in the past. Larger numbers mean the card is easier and RemNote will let you go longer between reviews. This only appears if you’re using an Anki SM-2 scheduler; see The Anki SM-2 Spaced Repetition Algorithm for details.

  • Phase: Learning, Exponential, or Relearning, depending on how the card is currently being scheduled. This only appears if you’re using an Anki SM-2 scheduler; see The Anki SM-2 Spaced Repetition Algorithm for details.

  • Next repetition time: The next moment at which you’ll be asked to practice the card in the global flashcards queue, or when using Practice with spaced repetition within a document. This can be today (the card is due for review) or in the past (the card is overdue).

  • Last practice time: The previous moment at which you practiced the card.

  • Date at which becomes stale: A card is stale if it’s sufficiently overdue that RemNote thinks you’ve probably forgotten it. Stale cards are withheld from the main queue and reintroduced over time, so you don’t come back from a break to a huge stack of cards you’ve forgetten. See Can I Pause the Flashcards Scheduler? for details. This statistic shows when the card will become stale if you don’t practice it again.

  • Stale: Is the card already stale, as described above?

  • New: Yes if you’ve never practiced the card (or you just reset its schedule), No otherwise.

  • Time learning: The total amount of time you’ve spent practicing the card, counting time spent both on the front and the back of the card. This is the sum of the Response Time column in the table below.

Underneath is a table showing your history of reviews of this flashcard, with the oldest ones at the top. Hover over the ? icon next to any column header for an explanation of what it means.

If you enter this screen while practicing flashcards, you'll see an In Progress row at the bottom, which shows the target date and practice date information for the review you're currently conducting. This row isn't actually part of the card's history yet – it'll be added and the missing columns computed when you select an answer choice.

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