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Using the Omnibar

Use the omnibar for instant keyboard access to almost any action in RemNote.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over 2 months ago

The omnibar is the fastest way to accomplish almost anything in RemNote. You type a couple of letters or a description of what you want to do, then select the appropriate action.

To open the omnibar, press Ctrl+K (Cmd+K on a Mac). This shortcut can be customized in Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts; if you had a RemNote account before 2022, the default shortcut may instead be Ctrl+/.

You'll be presented with a search screen where you can type a description of what you want to do, then select an appropriate action. On the right, a shortcode will be displayed for each item; you can learn this code for any actions you use particularly frequently to select them more easily (e.g., in the screenshot below, instead of typing pract and then scanning through the list to find the option I wanted, I could have typed fpf and pressed Enter immediately to unambiguously select “Stop Practicing This Rem”).

​When you press Enter or click an option, your chosen action will be performed.

Using the omnibar with selected Rems

Some actions, such as the “Stop Practicing This Rem” example above, apply to specific Rems. If this is the case for the action you want to perform, you should select the Rem or Rems that you want to apply the action to prior to opening the omnibar (e.g., in this case, I would select all of the flashcards I wanted to disable before pressing Ctrl+K).

If you've selected more than one Rem and want to apply an omnibar action, you don't even have to press Ctrl+K to open the omnibar – you can simply start typing its shortcode or description, and the omnibar will open automatically.

How is the omnibar related to the /-menu?

The omnibar and the /-menu contain many of the same actions – in fact, the omnibar contains all of the items that are on the /-menu (but not vice versa). The key difference is that the /-menu contains only functions that operate on the current Rem, and can only be used to operate on one Rem at a time. So you'll find options like changing the highlight color or creating a flashcard here, but not options like navigating to a different page or opening RemNote's settings.

In most cases, you can use either the omnibar or the /-menu to activate some function.

How is the omnibar related to global (Ctrl+P) search?

Pressing Ctrl+P (Cmd+P on a Mac) also opens an omnibar-like interface. However, global search allows you to navigate to documents and other Rems in your knowledge base, rather than activating RemNote functions.

If you've opened the wrong one by mistake, pressing Ctrl+P or Ctrl+K as appropriate will immediately switch you to the other one.

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