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Custom CSS

You can change the appearance of RemNote in an arbitrary fashion by adding your own CSS rules.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over a week ago

You can modify the appearance of any part of RemNote's interface by writing and applying custom CSS rules. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the formatting language used to define how websites appear on the screen.

This is an advanced feature, and most users will not need to take advantage of it.

Please note: We cannot provide official support on specific custom CSS snippets, or help you figure out how to achieve certain results with custom CSS. You can always ask for help in the #custom-css channel of our community Discord, though!

To create a custom CSS rule, open the Custom CSS power-up using the Custom CSS Settings omnibar action, then click the Add Blank CSS Block button. You can then type a CSS rule into the new snippet. It's a good idea to change the “Snippet” heading to something that will remind you what this snippet is supposed to do.

As an example, this snippet makes all References to Rems that are tagged with Stub appear underlined and in red, rather than the usual blue:

See the text in the blue information box (visible in the first screenshot of this article) for more details about how the Custom CSS page works and where you can find documentation on the available CSS classes and options.

Temporarily disabling custom CSS

If you make a bad mistake while developing custom CSS and can't get back into RemNote to fix it, or you want to quickly check whether some odd behavior you're experiencing in RemNote is a result of your custom CSS, check out this article for a description of how to disable it temporarily.

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