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Notes on RemNote Importers
Notes on RemNote Importers

RemNote can import data from a wide variety of other applications – here's what your data will look like when you import it.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over a week ago

You can import data from any format listed here to RemNote by choosing Import at the bottom of the left sidebar. Complete instructions on how to carry out the import will be shown when you choose a file type. This article supplements those instructions by explaining how RemNote tries to convert data from those applications to work in RemNote, and what might not import the way you expect.

Formats discussed here:


Flashcard content and review history can be imported into RemNote. Formatting may look less pretty than in Anki, as custom CSS on card templates is not imported.

Note types with multiple fields will be converted into tables in RemNote. This doesn't work perfectly yet, but we are steadily working on improving it. If something doesn't import nicely, feel free to contact us and attach the deck, and we can explore making it work better for that deck!


The Markdown importer is usually high-fidelity, but because there are so many dialects of Markdown and applications that use Markdown, it won't always work perfectly. If this importer does a particularly bad job on Markdown files generated by a specific commonly-used app, please get in touch with us and let us know – we may be able to easily add a more effective importer specifically for this app.

  • Each .md file you upload will become a RemNote document.

    • You can upload either a single .md file or a zip file containing such files.

    • If you upload a zip file, folders within the zip file will become RemNote folders containing the documents inside them.

    • Each paragraph or list item within a .md file will become a Rem.

  • The Markdown dialect used by this importer is the default dialect of MarkedJS, which is similar but not identical to CommonMark.

  • Images can point to publicly accessible web URLs or to relative paths within the zip file (if you upload a zip file).

You can create flashcards in RemNote from the contents of Markdown files if they're formatted correctly. See How to Import Flashcards from Text for details.


The Dynalist importer is high-fidelity. The only major caveat with Dynalist imports is that uploaded images cannot be imported (see below for details).

  • All content, images, links/references, and formatting are imported unchanged, except as noted below.

  • Dynalist tags you use become RemNote tags stored in a RemNote document called Dynalist Tags. Dynalist tags that begin with @, such as @MyTag, will be named like #@MyTag in RemNote.

  • References to dates become links to the associated Daily Doc in RemNote.

  • List items that are crossed out but not formatted as todos in Dynalist become completed todos in RemNote.

  • Strikethrough formatting is converted to the characters ~~ surrounding the struck-through text. (RemNote didn't support strikethrough when the importer was written. We have plans to add strikethrough import.)

  • Images that are hotlinked to external sites will be imported and referenced by their hotlinked URLs in RemNote. (This means that while the images will appear in your documents, they aren't guaranteed to be available in the future if the site they're hosted on stops working.) Images that have been uploaded directly into Dynalist unfortunately cannot be imported at all, as Dynalist does not provide any way to retrieve such images.


RemNote backups and exports should be imported with perfect fidelity, appearing exactly as they did in the original knowledge base (with the minor exception of cases where you have different custom CSS in the new knowledge base that affects the display of that content). If this ever does not happen for you, please get in touch with us.

  • All documents that were included in the backup or export are imported exactly as they originally were in RemNote.

  • Your RemNote settings are not included in backups and will remain as they are after an import.

  • Images and PDFs are not included in RemNote exports – but if you're using a synced knowledge base (the default), they'll be on RemNote's servers and you'll still be able to see them after importing. If you export from a local knowledge base, you'll need to follow these instructions to grab the images as well.


Since Obsidian is paragraph-based rather than outline-based, importing into RemNote can sometimes be an awkward fit, depending on exactly how you use Obsidian. RemNote also doesn't currently support some types of content that Obsidian does, such as tables. Aside from these limitations, importing from Obsidian is generally high-fidelity.

  • All content, images, links/references, and formatting are imported unchanged, except as noted below. In general, each paragraph or list item becomes one Rem.

  • RemNote creates flashcards on import if you use RemNote's flashcard syntax in your Obsidian vault (arrows for directions and double-braces for cloze deletions).

  • Footnotes are placed at the end of the document in a section called Footnotes, and a pin Rem Reference to the appropriate Rem is inserted wherever the footnote is referenced.

  • Strikethrough formatting will be converted to the characters ~~ surrounding the struck-through text.

  • Horizontal rules will become empty Rems.

  • The title attribute of links is lost.

  • The size attributes of images are lost.

  • The content of tables will be imported into RemNote, but they won't be displayed as tables because RemNote does not yet support an appropriate kind of tables. (Support for this is planned.)

  • YAML front matter is discarded.


Workflowy import is generally high-fidelity. Unfortunately, Workflowy doesn't export images or mirrors; RemNote is therefore unable to import content using these features correctly, since it lacks the relevant information.

  • All content, links/references, and formatting are imported unchanged, except as noted below.

  • Workflowy tags you use become RemNote tags stored in a RemNote document called Workflowy Tags. Workflowy tags that begin with @, such as @MyTag, will be named like #@MyTag in RemNote.

  • References to dates become links to the associated Daily Doc in RemNote.

  • Items that have been marked completed in Workflowy become completed todos in RemNote. (Items that haven't been completed become ordinary Rem, not unfinished todos.)

  • Any notes on a Rem become its first child Rem.

  • Highlights are collapsed to the six colors available in RemNote, picking the most similar available color if necessary.

  • Text colors are ignored – all imported text will be black.

  • Images are ignored. This is a limitation on Workflowy's end – it simply doesn't include images or any references to them in the file it exports.

  • Mirrors become duplicate Rems. This is also a limitation on Workflowy's end – it doesn't export any information indicating that this used to be a mirror in Workflowy, so RemNote can't reconnect them.

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