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Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the /-menu, omnibar, Markdown-style text editing shortcuts, and other customizable keyboard shortcuts to get around RemNote faster.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over a week ago

For maximum efficiency, almost every function in RemNote can be activated from your keyboard, through several different mechanisms: the /-menu and omnibar, text formatting shortcuts activated by pressing different punctuation keys, and other custom shortcuts.

/-menu and omnibar

Most power-ups, text formatting options, and types of media can be found on the /-menu, opened by pressing / (or \) while typing. You don't need to memorize any shortcuts to use the /-menu – just type the name of the option you want, or a description of what you want to do, and select the appropriate option. For instance, if you want to insert a multi-line flashcard, type multi or flashcard:

If you use an item on the /-menu frequently and want to reduce the amount of typing required, you can learn its shortcode, displayed in the small box on the right (in the above example, this is imlc for Insert Multi-Line Flashcard). The shortcode, when typed exactly, will always bring that item to the top of the menu.

The omnibar (Ctrl+K, or Cmd+K on a Mac) has all the functions on the /-menu, and also allows you to take actions on multiple Rems and navigate around RemNote. See Using the Omnibar for more information.

Text formatting and referencing shortcuts

You can format text as you type with the following Markdown-like syntax:

  • *text*: bold text

  • `text`: inline code

  • _text_: underlined text

  • ```: code block

  • > : quote block

For text formatting options that aren't on this list, highlight some text and hover your cursor over the option in the toolbar to see its shortcut:

You can insert RemNote-specific items while typing similarly:

  • [[ or @: Search for a Rem to insert as a Reference

  • ((: Search for a Rem to insert as a Portal

  • ##: Search for a Rem to insert as a tag

  • !!: Search for a Daily Document to insert as a reference

  • >>, <<, <>: Create Basic flashcards in the directions suggested by the arrows (follow the link for more shortcuts)

  • {{: Start a cloze deletion here (use }} to end it)

  • %%: Search for and insert an emoji

Other shortcuts

RemNote has a wide variety of “standard” keyboard shortcuts accessed with Ctrl+ or Cmd+ key combinations. To find one, choose Keyboard Shortcuts from the ?-menu in the lower-right corner, or press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H (Cmd+Opt+Shift+H on a Mac). You can search for keywords at the top.

You can ask RemNote to automatically create a flashcard for a keyboard shortcut that you want to learn. Click the flashcard button next to the shortcut and RemNote will add an appropriate flashcard to the RemNote > Feature document and insert a portal to it in today's Daily Document.

Customizing shortcuts

Most (though not all) keyboard shortcuts can be changed in Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts. This can come in handy if you find the default shortcut awkward, or if some other program, your keyboard layout, or your operating system uses that keyboard shortcut for something else. (For instance, on Macs, the default RemNote keyboard shortcut for Add Alias is Opt+A, but some combinations of language and keyboard layout insert an accented letter with Opt+A. So you won't be able to type that letter unless you change the shortcut.)

To change a shortcut, click the keyboard icon to its right and press the new key combination you'd like to use. If you've changed a shortcut, you can click the X button to restore it to the default shortcut.

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