When working with portals, you may find that only some children of the Rem you’ve portaled in are relevant in the current document’s context. You can hide the children that are not relevant to keep your notes concise and helpful.
It’s possible to hide Rems that are not inside a portal as well; this is rarely that useful, though, since if the notes are not relevant in any context, the most appropriate action is usually to delete them!
Hidden Rems should not be confused with Super-Private Rems. Super-Private Rems help you prevent other people who might look at your screen from inadvertently seeing sensitive information; they still take up the same amount of space in your documents, but they say only Private unless you “unlock” the workspace by clicking on one. Hidden Rems help you semi-permanently avoid displaying Rems that aren’t relevant in some context; they aren’t shown at all in the document and take up no space until you explicitly show them again.
Hiding a Rem
To hide a Rem, simply click on the Rem's text and type /hi
or press Ctrl+Alt+H (Cmd+Opt+H on a Mac). The Rem will be moved to a “hidden” section.
Unhiding a Rem
At the bottom of a Rem that has hidden children, a Hidden Rem Indicator will appear. Click here or press Ctrl+Shift+C (Cmd+Shift+C on a Mac), then select the Rem you want to unhide (or Add All).
You can also locate and add all hidden children of a Rem back to the document in one go with /vhc