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Prereleases / Beta Version

Get the bleeding-edge version of RemNote for early access to new features and bug fixes.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Before releasing each software update, we briefly test it in beta. If you want to get a bugfix or new feature a little bit earlier, you can use this beta version; the downside is you're more likely to run into new bugs.

To use the beta version:

  • On the web app, instead of going to, go to

  • On the desktop app, select Beta from the Update Channel in Settings > Desktop App:

    After selecting this option, RemNote will check for updates on the newly selected channel, and if there's a newer version on that channel, you'll be prompted to reload the app to install the beta version as soon as the update finishes downloading.

  • There is no publicly available beta version for the Android App or the iOS app at this time.

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