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Prereleases / Beta Version

Get the bleeding-edge version of RemNote for early access to new features and bug fixes.

Soren Bjornstad avatar
Written by Soren Bjornstad
Updated today

Before releasing each software update, we briefly test it in beta. If you want to get a bugfix or new feature a little bit earlier, you can use this beta version; the downside is you're more likely to run into new bugs.

To use the beta version:

  • On the web app, instead of going to, go to

  • On the desktop app, select Beta from the Update Channel in Settings > Desktop App:

    After selecting this option, RemNote will check for updates on the newly selected channel, and if there's a newer version on that channel, you'll be prompted to reload the app to install the beta version as soon as the update finishes downloading.

  • There is no publicly available beta version for the Android App or the iOS app at this time.

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